Caused by the tsunami, there was a radiation leak which spread all over the world. The radiation was caused by the release of radioactive isotopes from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. This cause minor amounts of radioactive contamination the air, drinking water, milk crops, and in fishes caught 50 miles off the coast. The drinking water was contaminated even to a point where in the second week after the accident, it wasn't safe for people to drink. Several workers received more dosages of over 100 millisievert while working on the plant site with two of them hospitalized with high exposures around the ankles after standing in radioactive cooling water.
IAEA reported on March 14th that about 150 people in the perimeter of the plant were checked for radiation, and hundred twenty two people were found contaminated. The contamination might cause alteration of the genes which might remove the survival skill needed. Also the defects will carry on to the babies which will cause even more trouble. It was very dangerous for the people living around the area and the government has issued an evacuation order.
There are external and internal contamination. There are few ways that you can get rid of the contaminations. For external contamination, you have to get rid of your clothes in a plastic bag and shower thoroughly. Being externally contaminated can spread it though whatever you touch, therefore get rid of it as soon as possible. For internal radiation, you can take medications that help you neutralize it. Also, there is difference between being exposed and contaminated by radiation. You can be exposed buy not be contaminated. Still radiation is very dangerous and Japan suffers greatly from it.